T∴G∴D∴ | Ordo et Templum Aurorae Aureae Novae
Founded In Service to the A∴A∴
"Unless ADONAI builds the house, its builders work in vain. Unless ADONAI guards the city, the guard keeps watch in vain." –Old Testament

(First Order)
The Neophyte is also called a Probationer in our Order. This probationary grade (so-called) has no real correspondence with a Yogic Chakra, Astrological Planet, Alchemical Metal or Qabalistic Sephira on the Tree of Life. It is the spiritual stage of gestation. The word Neophyte comes to us from the Greek word neophytos (newly planted). The Neophyte should "endure" nine months or longer of probation after the initiation before advancing to the next grade of the Zelator. It is a time of inner trial, when the Secret Guardians of the Mysteries test the aspirant's sincerity to perform the Great Work. The principal business of the Neophyte is to discover his or her own True Will in the Outer World. (The Outer World is here to teach us about the Inner World of the Spirit. The temporal or finite is intended to indicate the eternal or infinite.) The Neophyte should also begin to obtain knowledge and control of the nature and powers of his/her own being. S/he is further to devote him/herself to the study and practice of such things as s/he may deem fit for the cultivation of his/her aspirations to Thelema. But every Neophyte should acquire and begin to study Liber AL vel Legis, Sub Figura CCXX. (Committing to memory all three chapters of this Liber is highly suggested: Chapter I as a Neophyte, Chapter II as a Zelator, and Chapter III as the Dominus Liminis.)
The Zelator (or Zelatrix) is also called a Magician, and this elemental grade refers to Malkuth, the tenth Sephira on the Qabalistic Tree of Life. Its corresponding Yogic Chakra is Muladhara, the Lotus of Four Petals. Its corresponding Astrological Planet is Saturn, and its Alchemical Metal is Lead. It is the spiritual stage of Birth. The Zelator should wait twelve months or longer after the initiation before advancing to the next grade of the Dominus Liminis. In the Zelator grade there are concentrated the Mysteries of the Four Elements, so that the fully initiated Zelator is also called a Theoricus, Practicus, and Philosophus. In the Zelator grade the Initiate completes the preliminary course of elemental initiation as represented by the four Sephiroth called Malkuth, Yesod, Hod and Netzach, which are the Elemental Sephiroth on the Qabalistic Tree of Life. The principal business of the Zelator is to Do his or her own True Will in the Outer World, or to realize his/her True Self in Action. In other words, to put into practice the Law of Thelema, which opposes thought to Action.
The Dominus Liminis is also called an Advanced Magician. This portal grade (so-called) is a passage between the First and Second Orders, and it has no real correspondence with a Yogic Chakra, Astrological Planet, Alchemical Metal or Qabalistic Sephira on the Tree of Life. It is the spiritual stage of Puberty. The Dominus Liminis should wait twelve to twenty one months after the initiation before taking the Magical Oath of the Adeptus Minor. The so-called grade of the Dominus Liminis (Lord of the Threshold) is a Crown to the Four Elements of Fire, Water, Air and Earth, which pertain to the Grade of the Zelator. It formulates the topmost point of the Blazing Star or Pentagram, and it concerns itself with the summarization of the Elemental Mysteries of the Grade of the Zelator, equilibrating one's Elemental Self, which is to be completely surrendered to one’s Holy Guardian Angel for the attainment of the Great Work. The principal business of a member of the grade of the Dominus Liminis is to obtain control of the aspirations of his/her own Being for the attainment of the Knowledge and Conversation of his/her Holy Guardian Angel. The Dominus Liminis should therefore endeavor to perfect him/her self in all the Rituals and Practices of the Outer Order.
(Second Order)
The Adeptus Minor is also called the Adept Magician, and this grade refers to Tiphareth, the sixth Sephira on the Qabalistic Tree of Life. Its corresponding Yogic Chakra is Anahata, the Lotus of twelve petals. Its corresponding Astrological Planet (Star, or Luminary, to be correct) is Sol , or alternatively Mercury, and its Alchemical Metal is Gold or Mercury. It is the spiritual stage of Life. The task of the Adeptus Minor is one: To attain the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel. Such is the work of the Adeptus Without, or Junior Adeptus. Once the Adeptus Minor attains the Knowledge and Conversation of his/her Holy Guardian Angel, s/he then becomes an actual member of the Inner Order of the Rosy Cross, a Winner of the Ordeal X, an Adeptus Within, or Senior Adeptus.
The Adeptus Major is also called the Master Magician, and this grade refers to Geburah, the fifth Sephira on the Qabalistic Tree of Life. Its corresponding Yogic Chakra is Swadhisthana, the Lotus of six petals. Its corresponding Astrological Planet is Mars, and its Alchemical Metal is Iron. It is the spiritual stage of Death. The task of the Adeptus Major is to attain the Power to Combat, to only do the True Will of his/her Angel. The Adeptus Major should obtain a general mastery of Magick, both the ceremonial and sexual type (the secret of the Sanctuary of the Gnosis).
The Adeptus Exemptus is also called a Perfected Magician, and this grade refers to Chesed, the fourth Sephira on the Qabalistic Tree of Life. Its corresponding Yogic Chakra is Manipura, the Lotus of ten petals. Its corresponding Astrological Planet is Jupiter, and its Alchemical Metal is Tin. It is the spiritual stage of Life after Death. The task of the Adeptus Exemptus is to attain the Power to Love, and to perfect him/herself in All Things, inevitably confronting the critical decision to cross the Abyss.
The Babe of the Abyss is a passage between the Second and Third Orders, and it has no real correspondence with a Yogic Chakra, Astrological Planet, Alchemical Metal or Qabalistic Sephira on the Tree of Life. It can be linked with Daäth, the Inivisible Sephira on the Qabalistic Tree of Life, but Daäth is not really a Sephira. Daäth is Knowledge, the Crown of the Ruach (Reason). Those who swear the irrevocable Oath of the Abyss, and successfully cross the Abyss to become Nemo (No Man) in the City of the Pyramids under the Night of Pan, transcend the Ruach (Reason) and attain the experience of Neschamah, the Spiritual Intelligence.
(Third Order)
The Magister Templi (or Magistra Templi) grade refers to Binah, the third Sephira on the Qabalistic Tree of Life. Its corresponding Yogic Chakra is Vishuddha, the Lotus of sixteen petals. Its corresponding Astrological Planet is Venus, and its Alchemical Metal is Copper or Brass. This grade corresponds to the Nechamah (Soul, Intelligence, or Intuition) of the Qabalah. The Magister Templi is obligated to interpret every phenomenon as a particular dealing of God with his/her Soul. The Master of the Temple is a Master of Mysticism, who is to obtain a perfect Understanding of the Universe. S/He is to comprehend the existing Universe in accordance with His/Her own Soul.
The Magus grade refers to Chokmah, the second Sephira on the Qabalistic Tree of Life. Its corresponding Yogic Chakra is Ajna, the Lotus of two petals. Its corresponding Astrological Planet (Satellite, or Luminary, to be correct) is Luna, and its Alchemical Metal is Silver. This grade corresponds to the Chiah (True Will) of the Qabalah. The Magus is obligated to make His/Her every Act an expression of His/Her Magical Formula. The Magus is a Master of Magick, who is to utter the Word of His/Her True Self. S/He is to create a new Universe in accordance with His/Her Will.
The Ipsissimus grade refers to Kether, the first and highest Sephira on the Qabalistic Tree of Life. Its corresponding Yogic Chakra is Sahasrara, the Lotus of a thousand (and one) petals. Its corresponding Astrological Planet is Mercury, or alternatively Sol, and its Alchemical Metal is Mercury or Gold. This grade corresponds to the Yechidah (True Self) of the Qabalah. The Ipsissimus is obligated to recognize every phenomenon as God, that is, as his/her Soul. The Ipsissimus is "S/He who is most Him/Herself". The Ipsissimus is the Master of all Modes of Existence. S/He attains the ALL in ALL (PAN), but then withdraws Him/Herself at once within the veils of His/Her natural manifestation as a man or woman. The Ipsissimus must Keep Silence regarding the fact of His/Her attainment.